2013 Crete Presentation

Split: Crete Presentation on 8/2/14, General Convention / Meet & Greet 8/16/14

Tyler was recognized as the 2013 Crete Champion at the annual NHASED Crete Presentation and General Convention.

Fifteen players entered the NHASED low-stakes Texas Hold 'em Tournament at the annual Meet 'n Green, held this year on 8/16/14.
Pictured are the 10 who were fortunate enough to make the final table.
From left (seated): Dave B, Lyle, Jason C, Piet (on phone via Facetime), Matsu, Kristin, Tyler, Kim.
From left (standing): Chris H, Dee Dee.

The champion of the annual poker tournament and the two runner ups.
Matsu (center) was crowned as the 2014 Poker Champion.
To his left is Matt D, who filled in for Kristin during the last few rounds of the tournament. The combination was awarded 2nd place.
To Matsu's right is Dave B, who took home 3rd place.
In addition to the airplane bottle of Cuervo Gold and the 100% pure Colombian Coffee (both to celebrate the upcoming NHASED 19 season), these three earned a split of the entry fees.